Latest News from BLTSC

New members Squash night!

BLTSC provide a free squash coaching session to new members!

New joiners can benefit from a free weekly coaching session with our Head coach for free in their first year of membership- good news!


Our new members group is Tuesday from 7.30, why no try us out?

BLTSC Kent U8 group winners

Well done to BLTSC’s mini red Performance team, Winners of the Kent U8 Division!


Congratulations to all the players who represented BLTSC last weekend at the divisional matches in Sevenoaks. If you look closely you’ll see they’re all sporting their @BLTSC Performance T shirts. These are players that our Club helps to support by providing a weekly free performance training squad.  How great to see this type of result: well played to each and every one of them and their squad coach Sam Tyler!


#tennis #loveyourclub #minired #bromley #kent

New tennis member video analysis night

BLTSC provide a free coaching session on Wednesday evenings for new tennis members in their first year. On November 28th this session will taped and be a great chance for our Newbies to look at the progress they have made and get some feedback from coach, Adam Galloway.

To celebrate player’s progress, or dampen the blow (!), there will be a free drink to accompany the playback!

So, if you’re a new member this year, why not come along and enjoy a fun evening?As usual the session starts at 7pm and drinks will be directly afterwards at 8pm in our club bar

BLTSC’s Thursday night Coaching clinics are back!

Christophe Tipy will be running the clinics: they are targeted at club standard players rather than beginners…

These group sessions are a great way to hone your technique, iron out any bad habits and understand what you SHOULD be doing!

Time: 7-8pm….. Cost  £7 member/ £9 non members

Our upcoming sessions are as follows…
Thurs 13th Sept – volley **** now fully booked***
Thurs 20th Sept — improve your smash
Thurs 27th Sept– serve and volley
Thurs 4th Oct — improve your flat serve
Thurs 11th Oct — hammer grip using a slice serve
Thurs 18th Oct — hammer grip using a slice backhand
Call our office on 020 8460 0936 if you’d like to book in: places are limited: so book now!

Welcome back Christophe Tipy, Club Coach at BLTSC

Great news- Christophe is back!!

Christophe worked at BLTSC previously whilst on a year sabbatical from his club in Paris. He was one of our most popular coaches and we are very pleased that he has decided to re-join Jason’s coaching team on a long term basis.

Christophe has vast array of experience coaching all standard of players. He has coached in Paris for 20 years. For 8 years he has been Head Coach of the Tennis Club of 13ème in Paris (600 members), he managed the team of 10 coaches and a very large, successful coaching program. Christophe competed at a high level as a junior player and has played in the French national league.

Motivation to coach: adjusting my approach for each player to inspire them to enjoy tennis regardless of age, ability and anything else!

Member’s social tennis sessions at BLTSC

We are delighted to add Thursday mornings to our member’s social play calendar!

Our new club social session will run outdoors from 10-noon every Thursday morning, please come along and have a friendly game to start your day off!

As well as the new Thursday session our other club sessions are

Monday, Wednesday & Saturday afternoon s 1.30-3.30pm

Tuesday evenings 7-9pm (cost £2 for lighting & balls)


Club social sessions are an opportunity to ‘mix in’ with other members and enjoy some friendly doubles. Our Artificial grass courts are reserved for club sessions and day times we use the clay also. If you are lucky enough to be able to play during the day times, come along and join in!

Welcome Gavin Bradford, new Performance Coach at BLTSC

Gavin has a lifelong passion for tennis. As a junior, he reached the semi-finals of both the U14 & U16 National Championships and represented Great Britain. As an adult player, Gavin frequently represents Essex, having done so for 18 years,

As a coach, Gavin enjoys coaching players of all ages and abilities and has a passion to improve the game of every player he coaches: regardless of ability. He has had over 30 years of experience coaching players from the age of 3 upwards.
Most notably, Gavin has over 25 years of experience coaching performance players. He has worked with players that have reached County, Regional, National and International levels. He has coached world ranked players – Francesca Stephenson, Aimee Gibson, Ben Pritchard and Dan Evans- wow! He is currently coaching top 400 WTA player Eden Silva.  Gavin also has coached players to win ITFs, British Tour events and Junior Nationals; he has coached the current top National U10 Junior since the age of 3.

A career highlight for Gavin was working alongside current ATP coaches Wayne Black and Neville Goodwin, who coach Kevin Anderson current ATP top 10 player.

Motivation to coach: To improve the games of all players, no matter what age or ability, and for everyone to enjoy their lessons and feel they have learnt something valuable!

More Squash & More Racketball @ BLTSC

Our Head squash & racketball coach – Steve London – has now been at BLTSC for almost 6 months and many, many good things are starting to happen!!

BLTSC has hosted its first ever England squash junior sanctioned event- attracting over 40 children from all over England.

BLTSC also hosted its first ever Professional Squash tournament: part of the PSA world tour, attracting over 30 pro players from all over the world competing for prize money and world ranking points.

Steve now runs weekly junior squash sessions- these will restart on Tuesday Sept 4th…

9-14 yrs is 5-6pm on Tuesday
4-7 yrs mini squash is 4.15-5pm on Tuesday

Members team training is well attended each Thursday night and runs 7.40- 8.50pm

BLTSC are also now offer a new members session on Tuesdays at 7.30pm, come and give us a try out!

We have some spaces for most of these sessions and plan to add more sessions: for example, we want to start a Ladies only racketball session on Thursday evenings.

If you would like to try any of the sessions out, find more about squash and racketball at BLTC or enquire about membership box leagues on individual training we want to hear from you!

Please email

Steve is considering starting a speed and agility session for squash, racketball and tennis players. If you would be interested in this session please email as above. Additionally, if you are interested in any of the above or would like to see any other sessions on offer , please get in touch

p: 020 8460 0936


Tennis, Squash or Racketball- now is the time!!!!

With August half way through, our tennis and squash courts are quieter than usual. Yes, we’re all panicking to get our Box Leagues played before the August end deadline, but day times courts are widely available.

So, don’t waste the last precious days of the Summer Holidays wondering what to do- come and play!!

If you’re not a member PAYG rates are available, come down- bring the family- enjoy the fun of tennis and squash before all the holidays are over

Junior Holiday Tennis Camps

We still have some spaces on our fun tennis holiday camps running this summer !

If you would like to book in please see our holiday booking page-…/04-school-holiday-ca…/

Children’s tennis camps take place every school holiday & provide a great opportunity to learn & improve tennis skills, camps are suitable for children aged 3 to 14 years old.

It’s a wonderful way to enjoy and introduce tennis to children!



Bromley Lawn Tennis and Squash Club is proud to be one of the best Tennis and Squash facilities in the South East.

Contact Details

020 8460 0936
Email BLTSC Office

BLTSC are fully Compliant with LTA’s Safeguarding standards: read our policies

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Directions / Map

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Bromley Lawn Tennis Club is the nearest tennis and squash club to Bromley High Street, just a couple of hundred yards from Bromley South Railway Station.

Weather Forecast
broken clouds
humidity: 83%
wind: 3m/s ENE
H 15 • L 6