Latest News from BLTSC

Half term is almost over, so come on out….

Just in case you’re not sure….

There’s no new member session tonight- Wednesday 27th

Dan’s tennis clinic resumes next Tuesday 2nd June with SERVE- the session is all booked out but some places remain for the folllowing-  ‘VOLLEY’ session on 9th June. Be quick: for a fiver what do you have to lose? Sign up sheets are on the notice board

Sunday sessions with Elliot have are proving slow to take off. The sessions are there for beginners to develop their game play…..Support of this session will ensure its future so, if you’ve recently joined- come and take part:  it’s a session with you in mind- and it’s free.


Court allocation- Summer 2009

Getting a court is vital to everyone: not knowing what courts are in use when by who can lead to frustrations and ultimately having to move court. Aside of many members experiencing this first hand it was also raised at our AGM in March.

It was suggested at that meeting that a booking system be considered to better manage court time, something that we have have so far resisted.

To help all members understand when and which courts are used for coaching, club sessions etc, notices are now displayed in the clubhouse- upstairs and downstairs. Please have a look at them; note that this information does not include court use for club matches.

This subject often provokes comment so please share any views you have with the office

They're under starters orders… and they're off……!

BLTC’s 2009 Handicap Tournament is now underway and the draws can be found upstairs in the Pavilion.

We’re slightly later starting than last year so the clock is ticking and first rounds need to be played as soon as possible, getting the wrong side of Tournament referee Justine Eastbury is not worth the risk!

Remember Handicap Finals day is June 28th, so get the date in your diary: there will be lots going on on the day as well as the tennis…..Not to be missed

Good luck!

Free 'Novice style' weekend play sessions to start this Sunday!

We’re working hard at BLTC to ensure that players of all abilities get the most from their tennis membership. Summer club nights are now in full swing on Tuesdays and Daniel kicks off his tennis clinics tomorrow, the first three sessions are completely booked out – and only a few places remain for the last sessions.

The last new activity we have for this summer is a ‘novice style’ club session to take place on Sundays. This session will run alongside club afternoon between 2-4pm and will be overseen by Elliot, one of our coaches, for the first hour.

The emphasis is on social play for members who are new to the game and are not YET ready for open club afternoon!

There is no charge for this session, BLTC are funding it to support this section of its membership. That said it is experimental, so for it to work we need people to come and play!

Sunday 2pm- ‘Novice style’ play sessions with Elliot- starts this weekend- FREE

New Bar times- Summer 2009

With hopes high for a fantastic summer ahead, BLTC’s bar will be open longer hours this summer for your enjoyment!  

With immediate effect the bar will now be open as follows-

Monday 7-11pm

Tuesday 6-11pm

Wednesday 7-11pm

Thursday 7-11pm

Friday 6-10pm

Saturday 1pm-7pm

Sunday 12.30-2.30pm & 5-10pm

See you in there!

90 mins coaching for a fiver- it can't be..?

Summer 2009 sees the introduction of a six week tennis clinic with our new coach, Daniel Lott.

This six week course will run on Tuesdays from 7.00-8.30 and is designed to work in tandem with our new Summer club night. These lessons will help you develop your weaker areas and make participation in club play a doddle…..

Each session has a different focus: so, they are an ideal opportunity to target certain areas and develop them in a small friendly group. 

For members – 90 minutes cost only £5….

Places are limited to 8 people per session, and sign up sheets are on the notice board downstairs. With places limited- hurry up!

If you’re in any doubt- call the Office: or just put your name down- it’s only a fiver!

Non- member attempts to hijack a tennis lesson!!

Julie Bailey ran into some unusual company during her recent tennis lesson with Sam…. Here’s her story…

There was a high pitched animal squeal from the tall trees and suddenly a very young vulnerable squirrel appeared on the tennis courts! He needed no coaching to hop into my hands where he stayed.  We returned him back through the fence into the wooded area many times but he insisted on running back to myself or Sam who was coaching my tennis lesson.

As the lesson was coming to an end on an exceptionally warm Friday morning, and the squirrel was very tame and quite comfortably sitting on the top of my head to the amusement of Club staff,  I did not feel it safe to leave him and decided to remove him from Bromley Lawn Tennis Club and drive him home and consider the next course of action.


Once home, I kept him warm in the conservatory for an hour where he was ‘checked out’ by our pet dog Bella, We named the squirrel Bertie as he was very male and let her lay with Bella for a while.  If fact, Bertie must have thought she was his mother as he tried to feed from her (that’s a male thing!).  I made no attempt to feed him, just keep him very warm, in fact 80 degrees is recommended. 


After studying the internet and yellow pages I finally found a rescue centre and transported Bertie to The Wildlife Lodge in Foxgrove Road Vets, Beckenham where he will be professionally attended and taken to a squirrel sanctuary once he is older and thankfully no worse for his experience.

It was a most delightful moment for myself and tennis colleagues to appreciate another wonder of nature and certainly took me off my daily agenda!

Julie Bailey

There is only one week to go…

Next Tuesday April 28th will be our first 2009 Summer Club night!

Summer Club night is a social doubles session from 6.30pm, just turn up and play!

Depending on numbers, which I hope will be huge(!!), play will be on the artificial grass and acrylic courts. We haven’t had a week-night club session for a few years so, with the summer teasing us already, now is the time to mark Tuesdays as ‘Tennis’ in your diaries and come and play.

As far as standard goes, this session will not be suitable for the novice/ beginner. I’m talking to Jason about what group coaching could be run alongside the session so we can have as many of us as possible enjoying Tuesdays- watch for news on this shortly.

Also, to reward you for leaving work on time and having fun, during May there will be also be a Happy Hour in the bar from 9-10pm: Mary will certainly be Happy and there will be big discounts on tap beer, wine, mojitos  (well maybe mojitos).

See you next week!

Rachel Payne

Chairman, BLTSC

Trevor Holley

It is with regret that we announce Trevor Holley passed away last Friday 17th April.  Trevor was a longstanding member of BLTC and up until recently was a Trustee of the club. 

For those of you that didn’t know him, Trevor was a former BLTC Mens Champion and his picture is on display in the bar.

For details of the funeral arrangements, please contact the office.

American Tournie Sunday, April 19th

Some places remain for tomorrows American Tournament- it’s not too late to get yourself a spot, you need only call Martin Rands (07896 235 472) to get in the starting line up.

Play is open to all from age 16 up and kicks off at 1.45

The Management Committee have arranged for the sun to be out, so what’s stopping you?!



Bromley Lawn Tennis and Squash Club is proud to be one of the best Tennis and Squash facilities in the South East.

Contact Details

020 8460 0936
Email BLTSC Office

BLTSC are fully Compliant with LTA’s Safeguarding standards: read our policies

Welsh Travel Posters beautiful posters

Directions / Map

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Bromley Lawn Tennis Club is the nearest tennis and squash club to Bromley High Street, just a couple of hundred yards from Bromley South Railway Station.

Weather Forecast
scattered clouds
humidity: 84%
wind: 4m/s N
H 7 • L 2