Category: Junior Tennis

BLTSC Kent U8 group winners

Well done to BLTSC’s mini red Performance team, Winners of the Kent U8 Division!


Congratulations to all the players who represented BLTSC last weekend at the divisional matches in Sevenoaks. If you look closely you’ll see they’re all sporting their @BLTSC Performance T shirts. These are players that our Club helps to support by providing a weekly free performance training squad.  How great to see this type of result: well played to each and every one of them and their squad coach Sam Tyler!


#tennis #loveyourclub #minired #bromley #kent

Finals Day 2018

BLTSC’s annual tennis finals day was another great event, with a large number of members competing for glory!

Whilst Rafa, Nole, Angie and Serena were doing their thing at SW19, play was heating up in BR2. Well played to this years winners in the junior, Open, Vets and Super vets categories.

Congratulations to all members that took part in these events and thanks to those that helped organise the day.


BLTSC’s girls party!

BLTSC threw a free party for its young female players in September. We have more girls enjoying tennis at Sandford Road than for some time so what better way to celebrate this but with some mayhem, lots of balloons, plenty of cake and too many lollypops!

Well done to Sam Tyler and his team of Tennis Assistants for keeping the proceedings under control… Just!




The bar is open!

The finishing touches have been completed so our newly refurbished bar is now well and truly open!

We’re planning a Club social function in November: keep your eyes and ears peeled for news…!

So after your game why not come upstairs, have a drink and a look around?

Discussions will begin shortly about soft furnishings, time to say goodbye to that carpet!

In case you forget- here is our old bar…..!

Junior Club Night

Junior Club Night

Friday night is Junior Tennis Club night!

We have two club night sessions running during term time on our three artificial grass courts (all floodlit)

Age 7-10 is from 5.00-6.30pm, followed by age 11 upwards from 6.30-8.00pm

Both sessions are completely free to junior members and are supervised by our Head Coach Richard Checkley. The sessions are purely for fun, it’s not competitive and are for boys and girls alike.

There is always lots of energy expended, plenty of tennis played and the odd football has been even kicked!

Drop the children off or enjoy a coffee and free WiFi whilst you wait. You can easily watch the session from the balcony above.

If you’d like to try out junior tennis club night before joining, please contact our office and they can arrange this with Richard. New members are welcome!

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Junior Team & Competitions

Junior Teams

For those junior players that want to play competitively BLTSC run a number of Junior tennis teams.

These junior tennis teams start from Mini Red, age 8 and Under, and go through Orange and Green ball to full tennis 16 & Under: teams are boys, girls and mixed.
Depending on the age group matches are all completed in a day tournament or for the older teams, played home or away.

Each child’s welfare is the most important element in all tennis activity and where travel and competition is involved Parental support and involvement is key.

BLTSC encourage and support our young players and want them to see the club as theirs and something that they are part of, not simply courts to play on!

To represent the club in team tennis you need to be a member! Please remember that being a member means a cheaper coaching tariff too…

Junior Competitions

Aside of team tennis Jason’s Totally Tennis run a range of competitions on site at Sandford Road, Details can be found here, just click through  Events/ Competitions


Bromley Lawn Tennis and Squash Club is proud to be one of the best Tennis and Squash facilities in the South East.

Contact Details

020 8460 0936
Email BLTSC Office

BLTSC are fully Compliant with LTA’s Safeguarding standards: read our policies

Welsh Travel Posters beautiful posters

Directions / Map

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Bromley Lawn Tennis Club is the nearest tennis and squash club to Bromley High Street, just a couple of hundred yards from Bromley South Railway Station.

Weather Forecast
light intensity shower rain
humidity: 89%
wind: 4m/s N
H 6 • L 2