Category: BLTSC News

Charity Fun Quiz – Saturday 21st November – 7.00pm

Our famous ‘Charity Fun Quiz’ returns on Saturday 21st November and this time we will be raising money for the LATCH project, which houses homeless young adults aged 16 to 25 in the Bromley area.
Teams for this event can be anything up to 8 players and costs £5 per player.
To enter a team, put your name on the list in the clubhouse vestibule, or email Martin at Places for this event are limited so please get your entry in as early as possible to avoid disappointment.
All proceeds from the evening are donated to the charity.

American Fun Tournament – Sunday 25th October – 12.30pm

The last American tournament of 2009 will take place on Sunday 25th October from
This is a fun doubles based tournament where partners change after every round. If you haven’t played before why not give it a go? It is a great opportunity to meet and play with fellow members.
Cost of entry is just £2 (to cover the cost of balls and a few prizes).
If you would like to enter, please put your name on the entry list in the clubhouse vestibule, or email Martin at

BLTC's Juniors have their finest summer ever!

We had some fantastic success with our juniors over the summer, the results of which are listed below:-
Sevenoaks Champ
Ethan O’Reilly (Green)
Park Langley Clay Court Champ
Ethan O’Reilly (Green)
Tunbridge Wells champs
Nell Miller (Orange)
James Sawkings (Orange)
Tom Norwood (Green)
County championships Events (Champs)
Niamh O’Reilly (Red)
Nell Miller (Orange)
Ethan O’Reilly (Green)
County championships Events (Semi Final)
James Sawkings (Orange)
County championships Events (Quarters)
Olivia Parson
A big well done to all our players from the coaching team  – we are very proud of you all, congratulations also from everyone at BLTSC 

There will be lights…….

I am delighted to announce that our planning application for floodlighting to courts 5,6 & 7 was passed tonight, without objection, by Bromley Planning Committee

My thanks go to everyone that was involved: in meeting our neighbours, debating at Committee and in particular to Helen Farrow who, as our planning consultant, provided guidance and insight that made our application so strong.

This project has provided us with the start of a meaningful dialogue with our neighbours, indeed their tacit support has been key to this approval. Please remember do your bit and respect this is where they live.

We’re now looking at potential finance/ grant options through the LTA before getting work underway: watch this space for further news.

Rachel Payne

Chairman, BLTSC

Pimm's American Tournament – Sunday 16th August

On 16th August an American Tournament, with a difference, will take place. You win a round, congratulate yourself with a large Pimm’s.  You lose a round, commiserate with a small Pimm’s!  2pm start and the entry fee is £6.00 per person.  Juniors welcome to join in and enjoy a non alcoholic fruity number – £3.00 per person. 

Please put your name up in the clubhouse to avoid disappointment or email the club office – numbers will be limited.

Club Finals Day – Saturday 18th July

Our biggest club event of the year is nearly upon us and members are busy competing for the Open Finals.  Proceedings will start with Veteran and Junior finals from 1pm.  There will be afternoon tea from 3pm and any donations of cakes would be very welcome.  From 7pm there will a delicious buffet followed by the presentation of trophies for both the Open and Handicap Finals.

Evening Buffet Menu

Salmon, Smoked Chicken with Mango Mayonnaise, Quiches

Various salads, French bread and butter

Various desserts

Tickets now available from the office.  Adults £11/Children £7

There will be limited places available to hurry and get your tickets now!




Bromley Lawn Tennis and Squash Club is proud to be one of the best Tennis and Squash facilities in the South East.

Contact Details

020 8460 0936
Email BLTSC Office

BLTSC are fully Compliant with LTA’s Safeguarding standards: read our policies

Welsh Travel Posters beautiful posters

Directions / Map

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Bromley Lawn Tennis Club is the nearest tennis and squash club to Bromley High Street, just a couple of hundred yards from Bromley South Railway Station.

Weather Forecast
overcast clouds
humidity: 63%
wind: 5m/s NNE
H 14 • L 8