Author: BLTSC Office

BLTC's one day mixed generation tournament returns!

This is a great event for our mini-orange players or above to play with their parents or some of our older juniors in this fun doubles event…

Only one of you needs to be a member so you can get Mum or Dad to be your partner even if they don’t play!

Sunday 5th April is the date from 10-1pm

Entry is £8 for Adults and £7 for children

Please contact Sam Tyler for details about how to enter on 07855 409 711

Charity Bridge afternoon

A big well done to all those that participated in the Charity Bridge afternoon held in the Pavilion on 20th March

A total of £353 was raised for Multiple Sclerosis- thank you

Noreen Johnson & Liz Jenkins


BLTC Open Day, Saturday March 28th

Are you thinking about taking up tennis for the first time or blowing the dust of your old racket?

Our Spring Open day takes place on Saturday 28th March from 10-4pm

Come along and talk to our coaches, meet the office staff and try out the courts

Some membership offers are available on the day.

So put on your tennis shoes, come down to Sandford Road and have a look around! If you join on the day you begin taking part in the free new member Wednesday sessions straight away with one of our Coaches Sam Tyler.

Election of the Management Committee 2009/10

Sunday 29th March is our Annual General Meeting. One of the purposes of this meeting is to elect Officers to the Club’s Management Committee for the coming year.

This process works as follows-

Any two senior playing members of the Club may nominate any senior member (including non-playing or social) to serve on the committee, provided they have previously received the consent of the member.

A nomination list is displayed in the Clubhouse of roles the club is seeking to fill. Nominations close on Friday 27th March at 4pm, with voting then taking place at the AGM.

If you’d like to join the committee, talk to your fellow members and get yourself nominated! The list went up this week and is displayed downstairs on the ‘Good News Board’.

Don’t be deterred if there’s already a name there for the role you’re interested in: competition for roles is a sign of an enthusiastic membership wanting to be involved in how our club is run. 

If you’d like to know more about any of the roles and what would be involved, please talk to Helen or Sue in the Office or contact me.

Rachel Payne

Chairman, BLTSC

BLTC Kent team promotions- Winter 2008/09

Congratulations go to our Kent Ladies I and Kent Mens IV who have been promoted following success in their winter fixtures.

Each team has won their half of the division and will face the winners of the other half in divisional finals for the title of Division Champions and another commemorative plaque for our bar!

Ladies I will play Beckenham date TBC- Captain Keri Jakes

Mens IV will play Bromley Cricket on March 21st- Captain Simon Noad

Good luck


It’s been a long time in the making but now it’s here: the new BLTSC web site is alive and kicking!

Our new site has two goals: to help existing members keep up to date with club news and developments; and promote our club to potential new members.

Please take the time to have a look around, blood sweat and tears have gone into getting it here!

The news feature is a great tool that we’ll be using more and more to keep you informed: it’s also there for you to contribute a story or a viewpoint to the membership. The Office will be the gatekeeper for publishing news items with the new Media and Marketing Secretary ensuring the look and feel of the site continues to accurately represent our Club.

I would like to say a huge thank you to Keith Palmer for managing our original site singlehandedly for so long and another huge thank you to Rick Carter for designing this new version.


Rachel Payne

Chairman BLTSC

Re-introduction of summer Club night

How busy are your Tuesday nights from 6.30pm?

Club social sessions are a vital part of any successful tennis club. So, to build on our weekend and midweek sessions, summer 2009 will see the re-introduction of a week day club evening.

Starting April 28th, Tuesday evenings will be summer club night!

There is no supervision for these sessions it is purely turn up, mix in and play. It may well be that we have some matches on Tuesdays, but we have enough courts for everyone to get a game. 

For those members very new to tennis or not confident of their standard, check in with Sam Tyler during the new member sessions (Weds at 7pm) for his view to see if you’re ready to join in club play.

With Tony’s bar games night also on a Tuesday from 8pm there should be something for everyone!

So, block out Tuesdays in your diaries and come down and play!

Facilities- Pavilion

Excavation work has revealed extensive damp at the rear of the pavilion.

Remedial action is going to be required, probably in 2009. It seems the source of the leak is the Men’ shower area.

With such heavy daily use of the Mens facilities it seems sensible to consider a refurbishment of this area whilst repairing the pavilion.

The Management Committee is looking for volunteers to form a development sub committee to structure and manage this important project: the repair of the pavilion and internal refurbishments.

It’s not the purpose of the sub committee to undertake the works required but agree what needs to be done, obtain quotes and manage through to completion.

We’d like things to start moving shortly after March’s AGM, so please give this your consideration and, if you can, volunteer some time to help your club.

BLTSC Annual General Meeting

It’s almost that time of the year again.

Sunday March 29th at 4pm is our AGM. A pack of information will be sent out to all members in early March with the agenda, 2009/10 subscription information and more.

2009 will see us once again spending a significant amount of money on our facilities: an area where most of you will have have opinions.

Come down to the meeting and find out what’s planned, when it’s planned and how and you and your views can play a part in making these plans a reality.

Volunteers wanted

During 2009 we want to get more of you involved in the running of your club

At the Club AGM on Sunday March 29th Management Committee members come up for re-election. As is usual a nominations list will be posted on the Clubhouse notice board in early March. This year information will be provided about what each of these roles comprise and roughly how much time commitment is estimated.

This year will also see a new role added- Media and Marketing Secretary

Please take the time to look at the notice board and see what the Club needs: the broader our volunteer base the better the club can represent its members interests, opionions and ideas.

More information about volunteering opportunities will also be appearing here on the web site



Bromley Lawn Tennis and Squash Club is proud to be one of the best Tennis and Squash facilities in the South East.

Contact Details

020 8460 0936
Email BLTSC Office

BLTSC are fully Compliant with LTA’s Safeguarding standards: read our policies

Welsh Travel Posters beautiful posters

Directions / Map

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Bromley Lawn Tennis Club is the nearest tennis and squash club to Bromley High Street, just a couple of hundred yards from Bromley South Railway Station.

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