Author: BLTSC Office

Club Open Day & Handicap finals- Sunday June 28th

Next Sunday is set to be a busy one in Sandford Road! Following on from last years successful event we have coupled Handicap Finals day with our Summer Open Day.

Open day runs from 10-4pm with our Handicap singles finalists commencing battle from about 1pm.  There will a chilli supper following the finals at around 6.30 ish.  The list is up in the club house so hurry  to put your name down – this will be limited to 25 people on a first come first served basis!

Open days are one of the ways we attract new members: if you’re a member you’re an advert for what’s good about BLTSC so why not come down and spread the word; if you know someone who’s thinking about joining a club, bring them along with their cheque book: there will be membership offers available on the day! 

Also, in conjunction with our friends at Jolly Good Sports (Petts Wood), we have invited Prince (racket manufacturers not diminutive Pop Star) along to offer everyone the opportunity to try out their range of rackets-  David Revell will be on site from about 12ish and will be providing guidance and advice about racket technology and what could improve your game.

Demo’s are open to everyone- members and non- members alike so make sure you pack your tennis kit as well as your lotion- see you next Sunday

BLTSC Club sweatshirts and hoodies are on sale now

BLTSC are delighted announce that club sweatshirts and hoodies now are available to buy and can be ordered through the Office

The classic sweatshirt is a Fruit of the Loom design with our club logo embroidered on the front left breast plate; ‘Bromley Lawn Tennis and Squash Club’ printed across the rear and costs £20

The club hoodie is zipless with front pocket. Badge and wording are the same as the classic sweatshirt and the cost is Adult £24, Child £16

Each garment can be personalised for an additional £3

We have decided on a limited range of colour options, but believe there is something to meet everyones tastes.

Some samples have been ordered and will be available on Handicap Finals day- Sunday June 18th, time to treat yourself perhaps!

If you're old enough, playing at Wimbledon could be closer than you think…

During August the British Veterans grass court championships take place on the grass courts at SW19. Whilst it’s not quite a Grand Slam it’s an opportunity to play on the grass courts at Aorangi Park and play a stones throw from the hallowed turf of the show courts!

BLTC do not generally push external tournaments, however this could be one that is worth having a think about for the experience of playing somewhere special.

It’s a grade three event so the standard is challenging, entry forms can be found on the Box League notice board.

BLTC's 2009 Open Championships

The draws have been made for the 2009 Open tournaments and will be displayed today, June 2nd, in the clubhouse.

With over forty men competing in the singles we plan to run a plate event provided matches are played on schedule. So Gentlemen- get playing!

We’re looking for more Ladies Vets to make the draw viable, so talk to Justine or the Office if you’re interested.

Finals day traditionally falls on the third Saturday in July, this year that means Saturday July 18th. It’s BLTC’s flagship day with Open and Vets finals: prize giving for Open, Handicap and Junior events along with celebratory supper. Tickets for the evening will go on sale late June or early July- make a date in your diary!

Good luck!

Half term is almost over, so come on out….

Just in case you’re not sure….

There’s no new member session tonight- Wednesday 27th

Dan’s tennis clinic resumes next Tuesday 2nd June with SERVE- the session is all booked out but some places remain for the folllowing-  ‘VOLLEY’ session on 9th June. Be quick: for a fiver what do you have to lose? Sign up sheets are on the notice board

Sunday sessions with Elliot have are proving slow to take off. The sessions are there for beginners to develop their game play…..Support of this session will ensure its future so, if you’ve recently joined- come and take part:  it’s a session with you in mind- and it’s free.


Court allocation- Summer 2009

Getting a court is vital to everyone: not knowing what courts are in use when by who can lead to frustrations and ultimately having to move court. Aside of many members experiencing this first hand it was also raised at our AGM in March.

It was suggested at that meeting that a booking system be considered to better manage court time, something that we have have so far resisted.

To help all members understand when and which courts are used for coaching, club sessions etc, notices are now displayed in the clubhouse- upstairs and downstairs. Please have a look at them; note that this information does not include court use for club matches.

This subject often provokes comment so please share any views you have with the office

They're under starters orders… and they're off……!

BLTC’s 2009 Handicap Tournament is now underway and the draws can be found upstairs in the Pavilion.

We’re slightly later starting than last year so the clock is ticking and first rounds need to be played as soon as possible, getting the wrong side of Tournament referee Justine Eastbury is not worth the risk!

Remember Handicap Finals day is June 28th, so get the date in your diary: there will be lots going on on the day as well as the tennis…..Not to be missed

Good luck!

Free 'Novice style' weekend play sessions to start this Sunday!

We’re working hard at BLTC to ensure that players of all abilities get the most from their tennis membership. Summer club nights are now in full swing on Tuesdays and Daniel kicks off his tennis clinics tomorrow, the first three sessions are completely booked out – and only a few places remain for the last sessions.

The last new activity we have for this summer is a ‘novice style’ club session to take place on Sundays. This session will run alongside club afternoon between 2-4pm and will be overseen by Elliot, one of our coaches, for the first hour.

The emphasis is on social play for members who are new to the game and are not YET ready for open club afternoon!

There is no charge for this session, BLTC are funding it to support this section of its membership. That said it is experimental, so for it to work we need people to come and play!

Sunday 2pm- ‘Novice style’ play sessions with Elliot- starts this weekend- FREE

New Bar times- Summer 2009

With hopes high for a fantastic summer ahead, BLTC’s bar will be open longer hours this summer for your enjoyment!  

With immediate effect the bar will now be open as follows-

Monday 7-11pm

Tuesday 6-11pm

Wednesday 7-11pm

Thursday 7-11pm

Friday 6-10pm

Saturday 1pm-7pm

Sunday 12.30-2.30pm & 5-10pm

See you in there!



Bromley Lawn Tennis and Squash Club is proud to be one of the best Tennis and Squash facilities in the South East.

Contact Details

020 8460 0936
Email BLTSC Office

BLTSC are fully Compliant with LTA’s Safeguarding standards: read our policies

Welsh Travel Posters beautiful posters

Directions / Map

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Bromley Lawn Tennis Club is the nearest tennis and squash club to Bromley High Street, just a couple of hundred yards from Bromley South Railway Station.

Weather Forecast
few clouds
humidity: 87%
wind: 1m/s E
H 9 • L 2