Club Finals Day – Saturday 18th July

Our biggest club event of the year is nearly upon us and members are busy competing for the Open Finals.  Proceedings will start with Veteran and Junior finals from 1pm.  There will be afternoon tea from 3pm and any donations of cakes would be very welcome.  From 7pm there will a delicious buffet followed by the presentation of trophies for both the Open and Handicap Finals.

Evening Buffet Menu

Salmon, Smoked Chicken with Mango Mayonnaise, Quiches

Various salads, French bread and butter

Various desserts

Tickets now available from the office.  Adults £11/Children £7

There will be limited places available to hurry and get your tickets now!


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Bromley Lawn Tennis and Squash Club is proud to be one of the best Tennis and Squash facilities in the South East.

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020 8460 0936
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Bromley Lawn Tennis Club is the nearest tennis and squash club to Bromley High Street, just a couple of hundred yards from Bromley South Railway Station.

Weather Forecast
light intensity drizzle
humidity: 77%
wind: 5m/s N
H 15 • L 9