Election of the Management Committee 2009/10

Sunday 29th March is our Annual General Meeting. One of the purposes of this meeting is to elect Officers to the Club’s Management Committee for the coming year.

This process works as follows-

Any two senior playing members of the Club may nominate any senior member (including non-playing or social) to serve on the committee, provided they have previously received the consent of the member.

A nomination list is displayed in the Clubhouse of roles the club is seeking to fill. Nominations close on Friday 27th March at 4pm, with voting then taking place at the AGM.

If you’d like to join the committee, talk to your fellow members and get yourself nominated! The list went up this week and is displayed downstairs on the ‘Good News Board’.

Don’t be deterred if there’s already a name there for the role you’re interested in: competition for roles is a sign of an enthusiastic membership wanting to be involved in how our club is run. 

If you’d like to know more about any of the roles and what would be involved, please talk to Helen or Sue in the Office or contact me.

Rachel Payne

Chairman, BLTSC


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